
42 Sekolah Menengah terpilih seluruh Malaysia (3 Sekolah Rendah x 14 Negeri)


(3 Sekolah Menengah x 14 Negeri)


KTB dan KGB merupakan program Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran (P&P) Modul Seni Tari Muzik, Teater, Silat, Gasing dan Seni Berbahasa oleh Jurulatih Seni Budaya Negara (JSBN) kepada pelajar sekolah menengah yang dilaksanakan untuk tempoh dua (2) tahun bagi sebuah sekolah. Tempoh pembelajaran adalah selama enam (6) bulan setahun.

Setiap sekolah ditawarkan hanya satu (1) bidang kesenian yang ditetapkan oleh JKKN Negeri. Diakhir pembelajaran, pelajar akan dinilai melalui ujian teori dan amali bagi mengukur tahap kemahiran, kreativiti dan prestasi peserta. 



42 selected Secondary Schools throughout Malaysia (3 Primary Schools x 14 States)


(3 Secondary Schools x 14 States)



KTB and KGB are a Learning and Teaching (T&L) programme of Music, Theater, Silat, Gasing and Language Arts Module by the National Cultural Arts Coach (JSBN) for secondary school students implemented for a period of two (2) years per school. The learning period is for six (6) months a year.


Each school is offered only one (1) field of arts, determined by the state JKKN. At the end of the learning period, students will be evaluated through theoretical and practical tests to measure the level of skills, creativity and performance of participants.