
Program melibatkan kanak-kanak cemerlang dalam bidang tari yang bernaung di bawah JKKN Negeri. Peserta berumur 7 – 17 tahun menjalani latihan 2 kali seminggu di JKKN Negeri mengikut Modul KBSC dan Modul Standard Tahap 1- 4. Jurulatih terdiri daripada Artis Budaya (Tetap) di JKKN Negeri dan peserta berpeluang mengadakan persembahan untuk program anjuran JKKN dan agensi luar.



The program involves children who excel in the field of dance under the auspices of the JKKN state branches. Participants aged 7-17 years old undergo training 2 times a week at the state JKKN, aligned to the KBSC Module and Standard Module Level 1- 4. The trainers consist of Cultural Artists (Permanent) at the state JKKN and participants have the opportunity to perform for programmes organised by JKKN and external agencies.