Definition of Open Data: Open data is data which can be used freely, shared, and reused by the people, government and private agencies for various purposes is accordance to the Terms of the Use of Data Open Government 1.0.

The implementation of government open data increases the transparency of government services through data sharing which are precise, fast and relevant. The Public Sector Open Data Portal can be accessed at

Usage of data or data reusage should comply to the terms and conditions: Terms of Use Data Open Government 1.0

  • Data usage under this term
    The owner of data consents for usage of data without any charges.
  • Users can perform the following items:
    1. Copy, publish, distribute and transfer the data;
    2. Data adaptation;
    3. To use the data commercially and non-commercially; and
    4. To combine the data with other data or to include the data in products or applications

  • In implementing any of the mentioned items in paragraph 2, user SHOULD:
    1. Indicate the source of data in the products or applications based on the statement determined by the data owner;
    2. To provide the link to the Terms of Use; and
    3. If the data owner does not provide statement of data intellectual property, user should use the statement as follow: "The information and data are subjected to the Terms of Use Data Open Government 1.0"
  • Exemption
    The Terms of Use does not provide any rights for:
    1. Personal data;
    2. Name, coat of arms, logo or any official symbol of data owner;
    3. Department or public sector organization logo
    4. Royal symbol and military symbol;
    5. Third party rights where date owner has no authority over it;
    6. Any intellectual property including patents, trademarks and design rights; and
    7. Document of identification such as Malaysian Passport, MyKad.
  • No guarantees
    1. Data is in the form as provided by the data owner. Data owner is exempted from any representation, warranty, obligation and liability relating to the data; and
    2. Data owner is not responsible for any errors or loss of data. Data owner is also not responsible for any loss, injury or damage due to the use of the said data. Data owner does not guarantee that the date will be provided continuously.
  • Laws
    Terms of Use is governed by laws under authority and data owner is the principal owner for the said data.